Thursday, 24 May 2012

International ‘Counter-Jihadist’ map: France

Bloc Identitaire

(BI) | (Identity Bloc)
Founded April 2003. The BI is as a radical Right, anti-immigration, anti-Islamist and anti-Semitic street movement. It describes itself as ‘identitarian’ as opposed to nationalist, and campaigns for regional/local identity and European cultural unity on an ethno-cultural basis.  BI spearheads the ‘Identity movement’ in France and across Europe. It became a formal political party in 2009, although it has not recently contested national elections. It has established ‘Identity Houses’ in cities across France and it publishes the IDentitaires bulletin.
BI campaigns against the Islamisation of Europe. It organised an Assises Internationales sur L’Islamisation de nos Pays (International Congress on the Islamisation of Europe)in Paris on 18 December 2010. BI has close links with the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), the Lega Nord (LN) in Italy and Vlaams Belang (VB) in Belgium.
In March 2012 they organised a rally in Paris which was addressed by Jared Taylor, founder and editor of American Renaissance, and Filip Dewinter.
Founder and President: Fabrice Robert
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Front National

The Front National is a fascist and racist party founded in 1972. It was led, until recently, by Jean-Marie Le Pen who had convictions for dismissing the Holocaust as a “mere detail” of the Second World War, for violence and for claiming the Nazi occupation was not "particularly inhumane".
The party floundered on the margins till 1984 when it won seats in the European Parliament. In the 2002 presidential election, Le Pen beat the socialist candidate in the first round but in the run-off, Jacques Chirac wiped him out.
His daughter Marine now heads the party which still opposes immigration, is Islamophobic and antisemitic, despite its claims to have changed. It strongly opposes the European Union, is authoritarian on law and order issues and seeks the return of the death penalty. Marine Le Pen stirred up controversy with a speech to party members in Lyon on 10 December 2010 when she claimed that the “weekly illegal blocking of public streets and squares throughout France for Muslim prayers” is comparable with an occupation of parts of French territory. In the wake of the Islamist terrorist murders in Toulouse in March, Marine Le Pen manipulated the shootings to stigmatise French Muslims.
Founder and Hon. President: Jean-Marie Le Pen, 1972-2011
Leader: Marine Le Pen (daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen), since 2011
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(FFL) | (Alliance to Stop Sharia)
Founded July 2010. The Alliance campaigns against the introduction of Sharia law in Europe. It has launched a petition entitled Charter of the Nations Rejecting Sharia. The Alliance has received support from the counter-jihadist International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA).
Founder and Leader: Jean-Michel Clément (aka Alain Wagner and Gandalf) (Leader: Vérité, Valeurs et Démocratie and Union de Défense des Citoyens et Contribuables)
Addressed the CounterJihad conference in Zurich on 12-13 June 2010, the European Freedom Initiative rally in Amsterdam on 30 October 2010 and the European CounterJihad rally re-launch of the European Defence League in Århus on 31 March 2012)
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Ligue de Défense Française

(LDF) | (French Defence League)
Founded September 2010?. The LFG is composed of Bloc Identitaire (BI) activists and autonomous nationalists.
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Riposte Laïque

(Secular Response)
Founded September 2007 as an anti-Islamist online journal. It has close links with Bloc Identitaire (BI).
Founder and Editor: Pierre Cassen (Organiser, Bloc Identitaire’s International Congress on the Islamisation of Europe,in Paris on 18 December 2010) and
POSITION ?: Christine Tasin (President, Résistance Républicaine) who are co-authors Assises Internationales sur L’Islamisation de nos Pays, (Riposte Laïque, 2011)
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SIOE France

The French chapter of the Stop Islamisation of Europe. Appears to be fairly inactive.
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(SITA) | (Stop Islamisation and Terrorist Actions)
A blog and website that claims to raise awareness about the true dangers of Islam.
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Union de Défense des Citoyens et Contribuables

(UDCC) | (Union for the Defence of Citizens and Taxpayers)
The UDCC has campaigned against the Mayor of Paris’s plans for a L’Institut des Cultures d’Islam (ICI) (Islamic Cultural Institute) in Paris. Has less than 100 supporters.
Leader: Jean-Michel Clément (aka Alain Wagner)
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Vérité, Valeurs et Démocratie

(VV&D) | (Truth, Values and Democracy)
Founded December 2009 as neo-conservative and anti-Islamist website. VV&D campaigns against Sharia law, the construction of new mosques and the Islamisation of France. It is affiliated to the Alliance to Stop Sharia. Has less than 50 supporters.
Founder and Leader: Jean-Michel Clément (aka Alain Wagner)
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Jean-Michel Clément

((aka Alain Wagner and Gandalf))
  • Founder: L’Alliance FFL (Alliance to Stop Sharia), since 2010.
  • Founder Leader, Vérité, Valeurs et Démocratie (VV&D), since 2009.
  • Leader:  Union de Défense des Citoyens et Contribuables (UDCC), since    .
  • Addressed CounterJihad conference in Zurich on 12-13 June 2010.
  • Addressed European Freedom Initiative (EFI) rally in Amsterdam on 30 October 2010.
  • Addressed European CounterJihad rally re-launch of the European Defence League in Århus, Denmark on 31 March 2012.
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