Thursday, 19 November 2009

Aeneas - EDL spokesman for CVF/ICLA

Reply by Aeneas Lavinium on November 19, 2009 at 9:15pm
Hi Shiva - good to see you here.

You are a veteren (sic) from the early days of the old 910 group and it is great to see you commenting here. The EDL is a young group that so far has been very effective in raising awareness of the threat that faces Britain. Try to be understanding of their position, their heart is in the right place and they are doing their best under very difficult and oppressive conditions. Britain has become a totalitarian state where criticism of Islam is just about illegal and a large sway of the population belives whe the multicultural elite tells them. It is unfortunately a gradual process to wake up the people who have been indoctrinated and blinded by political correctness.

Under current conditions the EDL policy, in my view is correct, and they have undergone a great deal of criticism, even though they have been moderate and undertanding of their opponents point of view. This gives them the high moral ground even if the political and media corruption reduces that moral hight ground to the quagmire of a swamp. They are doing well, getting publicity for the cause and upsetting people (always a good thing, especially in a repressed and complint country such as the UK). Their goal must be to educate the waverers, and not people who have read extensively and who are acutely aware of the real and present danger that we face. I am just reading Brigitte Gabriel's book 'why they hate' and that shows what happens when Islam becomes dominant - as it did in Lebanon, a previously Christian country.

What I would advise people is to read extensively, become educated and challenge the politically correct traitors in rational terms that make them look like the short sighted and ridiculous fools that they are. At the moment EDL is adopting and appropriate policy to reach the people that need to be reached. EDL is an aspiring political operation that needs to become a mass movement if it is to have an impact on UK politics. To do that it needs to have well thought out policies that appeal to as many people in Britain as possible.

Anyway, it is good to have Shiva stirring things up and provoking thought – that is how the most effective ideas are developed and how the most influential policies are brought into being. We must be forever vigilant about arguing on the basis of the battlefield as defined by our enemies.
